Traditionally businesses have always been challenged, and with good reason, to
Manage – Resources including Human, Business Processes, Ensure Continuity,
Create Effective & Fix Broken Workflows, Face Dangerously Evolving External
Environments, Competitive & Statutory Forces, and above all the aching need to
consolidate across all these scenarios, analyze and make sense of the Evolving
Data captured in ways that hasten & lead to real-time and Effective Decision
Making (EDM).

EDM or in simpler words “Am I making the Right Informed Decision” has always
intrigued every business manager. This has no easy answer and possibly will
never have one
The bigger the organization the bigger the challenge.
CEOs and other decision-makers across management bodies constantly try to
acquire data across their organization that can help both routine and business
critical decisions, and never one at the cost of the other, knowing that ignoring
any could be disastrous.
More specifically Spiraling Costs, Repetitive Tasks, Evolving Resources,
Vendors, Competitive Landscape, and other aspects of every business simply
make EDM more challenging. Time never stops and just makes these challenges
more daunting.
Associated Challenges
As computing technologies, both hardware & software, have evolved, so have
Enterprise Solutions that promise EDM.
Multiple, discrete, solutions have been in the market for a long time now, and many
solutions, and as their creator’s business thinking evolves, have become more
specialized. Specialization has led to Inherently and sometimes Intentionally
Independent Unconnected Solutions. While Business Managers need
consolidated & understandable information, the specialized solutions and the
very fact that they are independent, and disconnected just don’t help.
Integrating these Specialized Solutions to consolidate Actionable Information is
the traditional Achilles Heel for every business. Such integrations constantly
evolve, are never easy, always come with inflated costs and mostly fail.
Again, these are never really a one-time cost and effort. As things evolve there is
always a need for a specialized team that is constantly trying to keep discrete
systems connected and deliver as expected. These specialized teams simply
mean deep unknown territory and a huge cost burden.
While globally a few technology companies and those very large businesses can
possibly fathom and afford teams, solutions & scenarios, not all can afford or
even dare to even think to find such solutions
Therefore, ENON
ENON is a sum total of creative ideas & thoughts, a series of learnings, and many
failures and most importantly a zeal, and unwavering commitment by a team of
business enthusiasts who have deeply struggled sacrificed much but never
given up.

While EDM is the final frontier, a deeply integrated, well-rounded solution that
can lead businesses to that goal post is ENON’s promise.
From Integrated Customer Ordering Systems across multiple channels & Order
Management, Supply Chain Management to Financial Accounting, Data
Integration to Business Intelligence, ENON offers a unique solution that breaks
traditional boundaries with an integrated business operating system which is
affordable, comprehensive, highly effective, and yet simple.
ENON is backed by a strong committed team of developers, ideators,
implementation & support specialists who together ensure our business
customers get a unique and gratifying experience. This commitment is
emphatically visible in the words of customers. Our customers are our
motivation and their satisfaction has always driven us to break boundaries which
some are inherent and others mostly evolving.
ENON Operating System – Highlights
• On-Cloud – Always Online
• Browser based and supports views across both traditional & evolving
Hardware Platforms
• Customizable and offers Bespoke Solutions to businesses across
• Importantly, User Interfaces that are Comprehensive yet Simple;
Workflows that Customizable & Match Businesses Processes
• Data Driven; Information Centric with a deep focus on EDM
• Powered by Analytical Tools, Business Intelligence, and evolving
algorithmic solutions like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
• ENON Labs – An Evolving Idea – Aims to support Demand & Supply
Forecasting, Tuning Business Deliverables to Evolving Customer Behaviors &
Preferences, Advanced Business Planning by leveraging Technology and
ENON – Specifics
Supports Incoming Orders by Traditional & Contemporary Ordering
Platforms. Built-In CRM for enquiry, sales leads, and referral management
• Item/Product/SKU Creation & Management for a seamless OmniChannel
Marketing, Ordering, Pricing, Product Detailing, Loyalty Management
• Create multi-tiered Simple & Dynamic Bill of Quotes/Materials (BoM’s &
• Employee (User), Customer, Vendor creation & management with rights,
access control and security for effective master data management
• Create multiple internal business entities like Warehouses, Inventory
Locations, Fulfillment Centers, Users/Stakeholders & Responsibilities, and more
• ISO-compliant workflows with Production Planning, Manufacturing and
Project Management
• Pre-Integrated with many Third Party Platforms – Marketplaces (Amazon,
Flipkart….), Payment Gateways (RazorPay, PayPal…….) Shipping Providers
(ShipRocket, BlueDart….) with thousands of APIs to integrate with evolving &
new third-party platforms
• Loyalty Management; Customer Service & Support and more
ENON Ecosystem & Architecture
The ENON Ecosystem is pictorially depicted below. The system is Cloud-based and Modular in its core architecture. In addition to what is shown below, the system includes a CRM for lead/referral/inquiry management, a Production-Planning module.
Today’s Customer is informed, mature, and understands technology better than
even a few years earlier. They compare and evaluate IT products and services
before making informed decisions. Gone are the days when IT and other related
technologies were considered to be unknown devils but are indispensable. In
the current business environment, nothing is indispensable. Everything is Value
Driven. Flexibility, Customization, and Convenience are the norm of the day.
ENON, therefore, is the default choice.
ENON – Competitive Advantage
• Enterprise Solutions like ENON at affordable prices
• Fully Integrated Unified Architecture
• Inclusive rather than an elusive model – The system is ready with all known
and required features for retailers, manufacturers, and project managers
• While it is Contemporary, ENON has the platform ready for the Futuristic
• Ability to Compete with the best of the breed in any market
• Backed by a strong team of developers, consultants, analysts and
dependable leaders

ENON, as shared earlier, is a current culmination of years of research,
conceptualization, and development of an Enterprise Operating System (EOS).
The founders of ENON have over the years worked closely with global, national
and local business enterprises in implementing Enterprise Solutions.
The founders have worked with Global Fortune 10/50/100/1000
companies while being employed at Microsoft, Infosys, KPMG and other
globally established companies
• Years of observations, research, conceptualization, product ideating,
creating value-based solutions led to the creation of ENON
• ENON uniquely stands out as a Comprehensive, Cloud-based, Tightly
Integrated, Modular Architecture
• ENON offers a well-rounded ENON Solution Architecture (ESA) –
Internal Development, Implementation, and Support
• ENON Easily Integrates with Third Party providers like Payment
Gateways, Delivery Providers, MarketPlaces, and others via our own
huge list of APIs or connecting to third-party APIs
• Very few systems today can claim a Seamlessly Integrated,
Customizable, Scalable, Adaptable, and at the same time highly Intuitive
(User-friendly) Architecture
The Founding Team at ENON has stood by its Dreams and has sacrificed
juicy employment offers across global corporations to continue to build and
market ENON. Every one of us is committed, driven, and motivated to make a
ENON needs an Institution (Strategic Funding Institution) that can work with us to
scale this Made In India, Made by Dreamers Product to one that can
significantly dent the Global Enterprise Solution provider’s market